This webpage is my personal URL link list for useful and important sites in 2019/2020/2021. You can click and follow to the websites.
The most suitable time for taking pictures
The time has always been an important factor in the photography. The most suitable time to take pictures of waterfalls is when they are high-water. Usually these are the months in spring and in autumn, and in the beginning of summer after rains.
In spring waterfalls will be very high-water and green and you will take pictures in warmer colours like yellow, orange and red and different compositions with leaves.
Regarding the time of the day – most of the clear and sunny days are not suitable for taking pictures of the moving water because the light is very strong and direct. It comes to strong reflection and brightness (burning) of object like leaves, rocks and sky.
As a rule the most suitable time for taking pictures is before sunrise and just after the sunset. Then the light is the mildest and the colours are most real.
Before long you will be sure that by visiting these magical water places you will begin to recreate the somehow lost touch with the nature that we all need to be healthy and energetic.
The book has a unique selection of 300 authors` photographs taken by ones of the best landscape photographers in Bulgaria. Along with the detailed tourist information for every waterfall, here you will find many interesting ideas for visiting natural and historical places of interest in the region around the waterfalls, that will make your walk of full value.
Wishing you a nice weather and breath-taking views,
Ivo Nikolov
THE MOST BEAUTIFUL IS LIVE! Even the most experienced photographer taking photos with the most professional camera is not able to reproduce the beauty of the nature in the way we can feel it live. Still more that the different people enjoy different views. Some people like photos of water in drops, others are delighted with the ethereal veils that are result of taking photos at slow speed.
Other Examples:
What are the ions?
The air as well as the other materials around us is composed from molecules. Every molecule has a kernel that contains protons and electrons that circulate around it.
The nature always tries to find a balance in everything and that is the reason why the protons and electrons are of equal quality. The ions are electrical charged fragments that are formed from separating or accepting electrons form atoms or molecules.
When to a certain kernel or a molecule joins an electron a negative charged ion (anion) is formed.
The positive ions (kations) are the opposite, in them from the kernel or the molecule an electron is released .
The negative charged ions are very light and movable. They attach themselves to a microscopic fragments in the air – dust, allergens, smoke, etc. This way the particles become heavier and precipitate on the ground. The negative ions are very light and penetrate easy in the organism via the lungs and the skin. They supply the blood and the cells with electrons and this way they help the organism to regulate many processes of vital importance.
Studies and experiments show that there is not a upper limit of the quantity that the organism can take. The more negative ions receives man, the better for man`s health. Â
In contrast to them, the positive ions “steal” electrons from the healthy cells and they cause harmful oxidizing processes in the organism this way. They can influence the acid alkaline balance in our body and they are the reason for changing for the worse of our physical and emotional health. It is no chance that the people that stay behind closed doors for a long time suffer from headache, have a bad concentration, allergies and different forms of depression.
The positive ions also pass from the air we breathe in the blood.
This makes the organism secrete hormones that influence the mood and other physiological functions of the body.
Often, when the weather is changing
(before rain and storm) people suffer from arthritis pains. The reason for this is the bigger quantity of positive ions in the atmosphere and the hormones that the organism secretes because of them.
The air-alive or dead
“When the man has built a house he has deprived himself from breathing ionized air, he has deformed his breathing environment and he has come into conflict with the human nature. The citizens of the towns spend a great part of their lives in the interior of the buildings and gradually lose their immunity, they suffer from different diseases and become old prematurely.” A. Tshizhevski
The Russian scientists Mihail Lomonosov and Aleksandar Tshizhevski, the American Fred Soyka and scores of scientists all over the world prove the effect of the ions with positive and negative polarity on the human organism, animals and plants.
Normally in the atmosphere air there is always a balance between the positive and negative polarized ions. The negative ions are very movable and beat off the land surface that has also negative polarization.
The positive ions on other hand are drawn by the land surface. This is the reason for the balance in the air.
In the nature the normal proportion is 1,2 to 1 e.g. in  1 cm3 air the positive ions must be about 1200 and the negative ions – 1000.  The harmful activity happens when this balance is disturbed and in the human organism come more positive ions.
Today there are more sources of positive ions in the environment than negative. Under the influence of the electric devices used at home, computers and TV sets the air is saturated with positive polarized, harmful for the health ions.
The air in the towns, especially in the homes differs in purity, grade of ionization of the oxygen, contents of dust, home allergens and harmful gases and microorganisms.
Moreover, when it passes through air conditions and electric heaters, the atmospheric air quickly deionizes, looses the useful negative polarization of the oxygen and turns into “dead”.
This way comes to original ionic deficiency that similar to the lack of vitamins reduces the working capacity and the resistance to infections and stress.
Where are the useful negative ions and in what quantity:
•      Air around lightnings: 100 000 000 ions/cm3
•      At the foot of the waterfall: from 50 000 до 450 000 negative ions/cm3
•      In the mountains: from 8000 to 12 000 negative ions/cm3
•      At the shore of the seaside: 4000 negative ions/cm3
•      On the street after a storm: from 1500 to 4000 negative ions/cm3
•      In the regions of a village: from 500 to 1200 negative ions/cm3
•      Town: 100 – 500 ions/cm3
•      Home or office: 20 – 500 ions/cm3